By awarding this to Helen, the NZ Arboricultural Association has recognised the key role and tremendous effort she made last year to save approximately 1500 heritage and notable trees of Christchurch by ensuring they remain protected on the Christchurch Replacement District Plan.
Helen's achievement is regarded as significant, not only because of the importance of Christchurch's most notable trees to both the city—and New Zealand's—natural and cultural heritage, but because of the importance of retaining their physical presence and cultural legacy in Christchurch's post-earthquake "geography of loss."
The importance of Helen's contribution was also recognised by the Independent Hearing Panel itself, which in reaching their decision on the Trees section of the Christchurch Replacement District Plan noted that:
"… we acknowledge her expertise as a planner from her previous experience and accept without question the very competent and professional way in which she gave her evidence…and accordingly attach significant weight to it."
NZ Arb considers Helen to be a well-deserving recipient of this award which acknowledges her outstanding contribution to tree protection in New Zealand. It also acknowledges the gratitude of the Christchurch Civic Trust, the people of Christchurch and the wider community to the role she played in ensuring that the city’s heritage trees remain a significant component of the garden city.
The NZ Notable Trees Trust also considers Helen to be a very worthy recipient indeed.
World Champion Eucalyptus MacArthurii Update
Recent updated measurements of the largest known Camden woollybutt (Eucalyptus macarthurii) in the world have been entered in the NZ Tree Register. The tree is located in the Ngaruawahia Primary School grounds.
Go to the NZ Tree Register here WKR/635 to see more information.
Auckland Conference 3-5 Nov 2016 & 7th Annual Tāne Mahuta Public Lecture
Our joint conference with the NZ Arboricultural Association is just around the corner - we hope to see you there.
The Trust is delighted to host the following speakers in our Notable Trees programme;
Philip van Wassenaer: Urban Forest Innovations Inc. (Canada) ‘Reduce the Crown, Retain the Tree”
Bryan Gould: Treescape Australia (Brisbane) ‘A Casual Comparison of Araucariaceae in Queensland & NZ
Helen Lowe: - Coordinator for Christchurch Civic Trust & Others Arboriculture and Planning: ‘Negotiating the Christchurch Replacement Plan Experience’
David Snowdon: Auckland Council "Tree Protection - Legislation and Regulation: Do we know what we’re doing?"
Check out the full programme here.
7th Annual Tāne Mahuta Public Lecture
The NZ Notable Trees Trust is very pleased to announce that Mike Wilcox will present this year’s Public lecture.
‘Valuable trees from home and abroad'.
Mike Wilcox is a retired forestry consultant and scientist. He is considerably involved in Auckland’s botany, including being an Honorary Research Associate at the Auckland Museum, and a member of the Auckland Botanical Society, Friends of the Auckland Botanic Gardens, International Dendrology Society, Forest & Bird, Auckland Tree Council, and New Zealand Institute of Forestry.
Mike has a BSc in Botany from Auckland University, an MA in Forestry from Oxford University, and a PhD from North Carolina State University where he did research on the genetics of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), leading to a career in quantitative genetic research and plant breeding of forest trees at the Forest Research Institute (now Scion) in Rotorua. In his international consulting work, Mike undertook numerous assignments in China, India, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Fiji, Samoa, Vietnam, Laos, Spain, Turkey, Australia and South Africa, specialising in forestry plantations.
Mr Wilcox’s lecture will concentrate on trees that he has worked with in one way or another during his time in forestry, including urban forestry. Several of the trees to be profiled have helped shape New Zealand whilst others have featured in Mike’s overseas work.
Venue: Rendezvous Hotel, Auckland
When: Thursday 3rd November 2016. 6:00-7:00pm
Entry: Gold Coin – with proceeds to the activities of the NZ Tree Register
Full details are here
NZ Kauri - Lost Legacy
NZ Kauri - Tales of fallen giants
The NZ Tree Register not only documents many of our finest living trees but also many of our greatest fallen giants. Several historic trees of note have recently been added to the register.Meet the lost legacy that was the 'Trounson Giant' (NR/1375) the largest known kauri tree at the start of the 20th century. This tree was tragically lost to fire in January 1907.
Another former 'Great' - Kopi. Then it fell in 1973 it was ranked the third largest kauri in 1971 after Toronui (NR/1376) and Tane Mahuta (NR/0800) and ahead of Te Matua Ngahere (NR/0802).
And the sad tale of the mighty 'Toronui' (NR/0805). Only 50 years passed from discovery until the day it fell as a result of the hand of man.
Tallest Known Mediterranean cypress recorded near Nelson
The tallest recorded Meditertanean cypress was recently discovered at Paynes Ford near Nelson. At 42.2 metres it is the tallest know specimen in the world. Check out The NZ Tree Register record here
September 2014 Update
Spring greetings to all our tree followers.
Check out highlights and recent activity on the New Zealand Tree Register
New & Updated Tree Records
Juglans ailantifolia, Japanese walnut at Gudex Memorial Park, Cambridge 1228
Eucalyptus saligna, Sydney blue gum. Largest in NZ near Cambridge 1227
Podocarpus totara, a large old growth tree near Hapuku near Kaikoura 1221
Prumnopitys taxifolia, matai. A giant falls in the Easter storm near Nelson 778
Wollemia nobilis, Wollemi pine. First tree planted in NZ (Jan 2013) 1121
Araucaria araucaria, Chile pine. Invercargill. Largest known tree of species in NZ 351
Sequoia sempervirens, coast redwood, Rotorua. Tallest known conifer in NZ at 71.2m 1208
Metasequoia glyptostroboides, dawn redwood. A big first generation tree at Hari Hari 1220
To view other updates on the NZTR go to the ‘Recent Changes’ page or search the full register and go to the latest listings.
Rotorua Conference Oct 16-18 2014
Our joint conference with the NZ Arboricultural Association is just around the corner. Check out the full programme - we hope to see you there.
We are pleased to host the following speakers in our Notable Trees programme;
Imelda Bargas: Ministry for Culture & Heritage – Memorial Trees of WWI: Casualties and Survivors
Justin Morgenroth: University of Canterbury – Where Have All the Mature Trees Gone?
Mark Paget & Julianne Wilkinson: Rotorua District Council – Notable Trees of Rotorua
Tāne Mahuta Free Public Lecture
Peter Waddell from the Ronin Institute (USA) will be presenting this year’s lecture.
‘NZ’s Mighty Trees - What we don’t know and what we should be doing’.
It is time to take stock of our old growth kauri. Our last remaining big trees are facing renewed disease threats, climate change, and our own ignorance on how to manage them. This presentation takes a look at the fates of the top 20 big kauri listed by the New Zealand Forest Service in the early 1970’s. It will show that conservation of the greatest of these trees in modern times has been a dismal failure. To date, approximately one quarter of these 20 trees are now dead and many of the remainder of them are damaged and or/in dire threat.
Venue: Novotel Lakeside Hotel, Rotorua
When: Thursday 16th October 2014. 6:30-7:30pm
Entry: Free to the public
Reminders and Updates
Some interesting things to think about and get involved in:
‘Trees of Honour’ Project
This initiative encourages communities around New Zealand to record trees that have been planted to commemorate our service men and women over the years. If you know of a ‘Tree or Avenue of Honour’ in your local community why not create an enduring record of the tree on the Register and share the story of commemoration with a wider audience. With the Centenary of ANZAC, the Gallipoli Landings and World War I being commemorated in 2015 NZNTT would like to focus on tree plantings that took place to honour those involved with these events, whilst also encouraging the listing of any commemorative tree. Read the ‘How To’ notes on the website for instructions on listing new trees.
See latest listings: Treaty of Versailles Oak, Geraldine Domain 1198
Bunya Bunya Tree Hunt
The number of bunya bunya records on the NZTR now stands at 34. We’re looking for more of these prominent specimens – so please consider adding new records of this tree. Do you know of a bunya bunya that is not listed on the NZTR? If so, you could take the time to measure, photograph and create a permanent record of it online?
We welcome Waikato District Council to our sponsors list and, as always, the Trustee’s wish to offer their continued thanks to our Annual Supporters and Region Sponsors for their ongoing financial assistance of the NZNTT’s activities. See the current NZNTT Sponsors List – and please contact us for more information if your organisation would like to become a sponsor – your help would be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,
The Notable Trees Team
December 2013 Update
End of year greetings to all you tree enthusiasts out there.
Yes, it’s that time again already – and so, before we all head off into the summer sunshine, here are a few items of interest to update you on progress with the New Zealand Tree Register.
New and Updated Tree Records
Some awesome new trees (60+ records since our last newsletter) have been added to the database. See:
A large number of new Sequoiadendron records from Otago have been added. Search for the genus and select the Otago region to see them all, including the largest exotic conifer in the country known as the Frankton Tree OR/1160. Check out the updated Mt Pisa tree OR/46, read the great story associated with this tree and see this 56 metre specimen in a stunning Central Otago setting. Other listings include the two ‘Trees of Justice’ in the CBD of Queenstown (OR/1166 & OR/1167) and two trees at St. Johns Presbyterian Church, Arrowtown (OR/1183 & OR/1184). See also:
Tilia x europaea, European lime at Lake Hayes – was considered to be the tallest specimen in NZ but............, OR/1171.
Cedrus libani, cedar of Lebanon – Tallest and largest recorded at Thurlby Domain near Arrowtown: OR/1164.
Pinus radiata, Monterey pine – known as 'The Wooing Tree', at Cromwell: OR/1163.
Pinus ponderosa, ponderosa pine – a good tree at Queenstown Gardens: OR/1180
The new records for Raoul Island are our farthest flung, offshore island trees. These include a 50 metre Norfolk Island pine AR/1120 and a monstrous Kermadec pohutukawa AR/1152 and five-finger AR/1144.
Whilst you may not be passing by Raoul Island on your holiday travels this season, if you’re out and about the country, then check out these and other listed trees for yourself … and remember to take a tape measure so that you can add some new records into the register too!
Sixteen trees at the former Government House in Auckland have been added. See Group listing AR/1141 or search 14 Glenfell Place, Auckland and click to see them all on a map. A big thanks to Russell VanWijngaarden
To view other updates on the NZTR go to the ‘Recent Changes’ page or search the full register and go the last listings.
Queenstown Conference 2013
For those of you that made it to the NZ Arb conference you will know what a fantastic success it was. The Trustees wish to thank the speakers that gave presentations during the Notable Trees stream, they include; Sharon Lilly - ISA, Adrian Lamont – Auckland Council and Cheryl Prew – Soil Foodweb Institute.
A special thank you to Will Koomijian and Shane Blacktopp from Ascending the Giants for presenting the 4th Annual Tane Mahuta Lecture ‘Climbing & Documenting the Tree Giants of the Pacific Northwest’.
Over $2200 was raised at this year’s NZNTT Auction at the conference dinner and awards. Congratulations go to Stacy Colyer, Terry Flanagan and David James for their successful bids and donations. A heartfelt thank you to Cindy Flook for her very generous gift of original art work which was, undoubtedly, the highlight of the auction.
Reminders and Updates
Some interesting things to think about and get involved in:
‘Trees of Honour’ Project
This initiative encourages communities around New Zealand to record trees that have been planted to commemorate our service men and women over the years. If you know of a ‘Tree or Avenue of Honour’ in your local community why not create an enduring record of the tree on the Register and share the story of commemoration with a wider audience. With the Centenary of ANZAC, the Gallipoli Landings and World War I being commemorated in 2015 NZNTT we would like to focus on tree plantings that took place to honour those involved with these events, whilst also encouraging the listing of any commemorative tree. Read the ‘How To’ notes on the website for instructions on listing trees.
See latest listings ANZAC Park, Nelson NR/1091 and The ‘Riversdale Avenue of Honour’ SR/1182 and one of the trees in that avenue SR/1191
Bunya Bunya Tree Hunt
The number of bunya bunya records on the NZTR now stands at 31. We’re looking for more of these prominent specimens – so please consider adding new records of this tree. The latest is an old tree located at the former Bishop’s residence near Nelson NNR/1142. Do you know of a bunya bunya that is not listed on the NZTR? If so, could you take the time to measure, photograph and create a permanent record of it online?
As always, the Trustee’s wish to offer their continued thanks to our Annual Supporters and Region Sponsors for their financial assistance of the NZNTT’s activities. See the current NZNTT Sponsors List – and please contact us for more information if your organisation would like to become a sponsor – your support is greatly appreciated.
Need a copy of the Standard Tree Evaluation Method - STEM™? You can obtain a copy from Touchwood Books or by contacting the Trust.
Kind regards and best wishes for the holiday season,
The Notable Trees Team
July 2013 Update
It has been a busy few months since our last update with approximately 40 trees being updated or added to the NZTR.
New Zealand Tree Register Highlights
Following an inquiry from Portugal, we chased down and obtained details of several of our largest Algerian oak records. The Tauranga tree, considered ‘the best looking tree’ in S.W. Burstall’s 1984 survey, BPR/1098 and a fine tree at St Kentigern School, Auckland AR/1097 which now joins the Cornwall Park tree AR/665 at the top of the table.Northern rata, known as the ‘Phantom’ near Rotorua. A monster at 4.4m diameter. BPR/1100
Swamp cypress, the largest know in NZ. Myers Park, (319 points) Auckland AR/1095
Radiata pine, Dunedin Botanic Garden (436 points) OR/1096
Giant redwood, a rare tree on the west coast. Reefton Medical Centre, c1860 WCR/1073
Queensland kauri, The Domain, Auckland (322 points) AR/1099
Several trees in the Christchurch Botanic Garden have been added included amongst others;
Giant redwood, an avenue of 6 trees on Archery Lawn, the largest being (472 points) CR/1112
Chile pine, the last remaining of several trees at this location CR/1080
NZ hybrid blue gum, perhaps the only known specimen of this hybrid CR/1115
English oak, known as the ‘Albert Edward Oak’ considered the ‘first tree planted’ CR/1119
To view other updates on the NZTR go to the ‘Recent Changes’ page.
‘Trees of Honour’ Project
Taking a lead from the Australian TREENET project - ‘Avenues of Honour’, we begin a focus project to encourage communities around New Zealand to record trees that have been planted to commemorate our service men and women over the years.Some of our existing records provide examples of such plantings: the Anzac tree, Eastbourne WTR/4, Hamilton West School group planting WKR/897, 23rd Battalion Tree, Nelson NNR/1105, Redwood Memorial Grove, Rotorua BPR/936, the 'Lone Pine' descendant, Christchurch CR/961 (use the text based search to find others using key words such as Anzac, World War and Gallipoli).
If you know of a ‘Tree of Honour’ in your local community, why not create an enduring record of the tree on the NZTR and share the story of commemoration with a wider audience.
With the Centenary of ANZAC, the Gallipoli Landings and World War I being commemorated in 2015, we would like to focus on tree plantings that took place to honour those involved with these events whilst also encouraging the listing of any other commemorative tree. Read the ‘how to notes’ on the website for instructions on listing trees.
Bunya Bunya Tree Hunt
A further Bunya pine has been added to the NZTR taking our total to 30 records. This follows our call to chase down prominent specimens of this tree. The latest is the second of two in the Botanic Garden in Christchurch CR/1084. Do you know of a Bunya Bunya that is not listed on the NZTR? If so, take the time to measure, photograph and create a permanent record of it online.New Trustee
The Trustees are pleased to announce the appointment of Carl Rogers to the NZNTT Board. Carl brings a wealth of organisational and industry expertise to the Trust. We value his commitment and involvement and look forward to working with him.STEM™ – Standard Tree Evaluation Method
We are also pleased to announce that the NZNTT is now the copyright holder of STEM™ – the Standard Tree Evaluation Method used by many Councils around New Zealand to evaluate trees for their respective district plans. The Trust is indebted to Cindy Flook for allowing the Trust to become the new home for this valuable tool.Copies of the STEM™ manual can purchased for $115 inc. gst from Touchwood Books or the NZNTT.
The Trustee’s wish to offer their continued thanks to our Annual Supporters and Region Sponsors for their financial assistance of the Trust’s activities. See the current NZNTT Sponsors List and contact us for more information if you think your organisation would like join this group.Kind regards,
The Notable Trees Team