ANSWERS to NZTR Lockdown Quiz #2 - General Knowledge - 15th Apr 2020

1) What are the names of 3 sponsors of the NZ Notable Trees Trust?
A: There are a wide range on sponsors on the Notable Trees Trust sponsor’s page here

2) When you click the ‘what’s this?’ next to a girth measurement what information does it provide?
A: The 'what's this' tip explains that girth is a measurement of tree circumference taken with a standard tape expressed in centimetres (cm). i.e. 2.35m = 235cm.

3) What was the girth in 1973 of the Hoop pine located in Stoke?
A: The 1973 tree measurements are shown in the former observation records at the bottom of the tree record. In 1973 the tree’s girth was 312.9 cm. (see record NNR/725). Some entered the current girth.

4) Who is the largest single-stemmed Queensland kauri located in Auckland thought to be associated with?
A: James Dilworth (Tree AR/0735). The other larger tree is not single-stemmed (AR/1145)

5) He broke a world record in 1936 and received this tree as a prize. Who was he and where is the tree located?
A: Jack Lovelock ((John Edward Lovelock) and the tree is located at Timaru Boys High School (CR/0006)

6) What event nearly caused the largest giant redwood in Christchurch not to be planted by whom?
A: Prince Alfred; he was shot in the back by a revolver on 12 March 1868 while attending a picnic in Sydney but survived and planted the tree the following year. (see CR/1074).

7) What does the acronym STEM as it relates to trees in NZ stand for?
A: The Standard Tree Evaluation Method

8) Name the current number of Local Authorities that are known to be currently using STEM.
A: More than 40 or specifically 42 – both answers are correct.

9) At what location is the eastern-most tree recorded in NZ? What was the fate of this and other trees nearby?
A: This question was a little challenging for some.  The tree is located at Bell’s Flat, Raoul Island. This tree and all the other Norfolk Island pines were felled in 2015 by DOC as they were considered weeds (see AOTA/1120 & AOTA/G1124)

10) If you click the ‘Info’ button beside the Genus/Species of a tree record what link does it provide?
A: A link to Wikipedia is provided.

Well done to all who entered and thank you for the many great messages we recieved from those who tried the quiz just for fun.

Stay tuned for Quiz #3 in our series of 4 which we will post tomorrow at 3pm (16 April)


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