6th Annual Tāne Mahuta Public Lecture - 1 October 2015, Nelson
The NZ Notable Trees Trust in conjuction with the NZ Arboricultural Association are pleased announce this year's Tāne Mahuta Public Lecture.
Philip Simpson will present "Native Treelands in New Zealand’s Landscape". The native trees present in our rural landscapes add an indigenous character that show we care about our past. These trees are coming under increasing pressure as our farming practices intensify and so they will need to be carefully managed to ensure their long term retention. This presentation will profile various examples of native treelands around New Zealand, from puriri in the north to cabbage trees in the south, kanuka in the east and kahikatea in the west. Dr Simpson will describe how these treelands developed and explain their values not just to us as travelers, but to the animals we farm. The presentation will look at how our rural trees can be protected and sustainably managed through landscape planning - something New Zealand is very short of.
The lecture series is open to the public – Gold coin donation with proceeds to the activities of the New Zealand Tree Register